...aus dem kommenden Album "A Rioting New Breed" (VÖ: 25. April 2025)
The band comments:
"This mid-tempo song was one of the first that was written for the new album. It plays with both heavy riffs and melodic, clean guitars. The pre-chorus with its strong melodies and cool drumbeat goes into a powerful chorus that is lifting the song to another level. Also, the clean outro with its harmonies, adds a depth to the song.
The title came about after loosing sleep over a half-broken lightbulb that was flashing on and off though the night. But because of a fever-condition, there was no ability to do anything about it. As far as songwriting goes, this is one of those songs where the title came first, and then the music and the rest of the lyrics was built around it."
Mehr Informationen zum neuen Album und der Band findest Du in unserem Artikel:
(Mit freundlicher Unterstützung und Bereitstellung des Pressematerials von Inverse Records)